On behalf of Abbeyford Leisure Ltd, MFA were appointed as planning consultants and architects to obtain planning permission for a modest 43 pitch extension to their existing holiday caravan site at St Andrews Holiday Park, Kinkell Braes.
The site identified was located on prime agricultural land immediately to the south of the park and posed many planning challenges as it was within a highly sensitive landscape (St Andrews Greenbelt and Local Landscape Area). The proposed layout of the caravan pitches sought to reflect the layout within the existing park with generously sized pitches accessing directly off an internal loop road. The layout included integrated pockets of greenspace with tree and shrub planting and footpath links through to the existing park as well as a direct link to the established Core Path to improve access to the countryside.
High quality landscaping was also proposed including new native tree and hedgerow planting along the new southern boundary to limit the visual impact of caravans as well as integrating the extension into the local landscape framework. A stone dyke wall was also proposed along the north side of the new internal access road to provide both a physical and visual buffer between vehicular traffic and the static holiday caravans. In addition, the layout also incorporated an additional visitor and check-in parking area for touring caravans to address an identified problem.
Through early and proactive pre-application dialogue with the local authority, planning permission was successfully obtained in February 2017. Initial ground and infrastructure works commenced on site in late 2018. For further information regarding this park and its facilities, please visit http://www.abbeyford.com/our-parks/st-andrews-holiday-park/