Montgomery Forgan Associates (MFA) was instructed by Kingdom Housing Association (KHA) through Campion Homes Ltd to design and secure consent for an affordable housing development to the west of Cupar at Trynmuir, Cupar Muir.
This site had a particularly challenging planning history, and MFA were initially able to secure planning permission in principle, renew the permission, obtained detailed planning permission through a changing planning policy environment and obtain planning permission for additional development land to facilitate a value added development layout.
This development is for 25 new homes for social rent comprising of homes ranging from 2 bedroom amenity bungalows to 4 bedroom houses. Located within the former walled garden of Ferrymuir House, the design concept has utilised salvaged natural stone from within the site and existing stone boundary walls. The specification of the homes include ‘A’ rated dual zone combi boilers with a flue gas heat recovery system and photovoltaic panels. The homes also meet Housing for Varying Needs, Secured by Design and KHA’s own design standards. The development was completed in June 2019.