Working on behalf of Campion Homes Ltd, MFA secured planning permission and the associated building warrant for a mix of 3, 4 and 5 bedroom detached and semi-detached open market houses as well as a mix of 2 and 3 bedroom affordable terraced houses and cottages flats.
The development consists of a mix of 34 private open market 2 storey detached and semi-detached dwellinghouses, 5 affordable terraced houses and 4 affordable cottage flat style dwellings for social rent. All of the dwellings incorporate the same palette of finishes including concrete roof tiles, a mix of render and decorative block walls and white uPVC/timber windows. The principles of “Designing Streets” were integrated into the design and layout of the site, including shared surfaces and a road layout designed to slow traffic down.
Site works commenced in October 2016 and the 9 affordable homes were completed and handed over to Kingdom Housing Association by April 2017. The design of these dwellings comply with Housing for Varying Needs, Secured by Design, KHA’s Design Standards as well as the Silver Level sustainability standards.