The delivery of housing remains a key sector for the Scottish economy including the requirements for local planning authorities to have and maintain an effective 5 year housing land supply. This requires the provision of a generous supply if land for each housing market area to provide development opportunities and achieve housing supply targets across all tenures.
MFA has a track record in this sector and has delivered both large and small scale housing developments including a number of social housing projects on behalf of Kingdom Housing Association. We also have significant experience and success with obtaining planning permissions for single houses in the countryside. The process of site analysis, identification of opportunity strategies and design development can have a significant, positive influence on your proposal.
Our clients include house builders, landowners and developers. We also act for land promoters to promote their land for housing opportunities through the Development Plan process.
We have also helped numerous private clients create appropriate and sensitively designed extensions to their homes. These types of proposals often have their own planning challenges, and we are here to help.