The money that this sector generates plays a vital part in Scotland’s economic growth. Prior to COVID-19, Scotland attracted around 17.5 million overnight visitors annually, generating £5.9 billion in visitor expenditure. Further to this, 134 million day trips were taken, with spend of £5.8 billion. Tourism cuts across every sector and touches every part of Scotland’s economy, supporting one in 12 jobs.
MFA has extensive experience in the tourist/leisure industry with caravan and holiday parks being a particular specialism. We are the appointed planning advisors to the British Holiday & Home Parks Association in Scotland. A major new report (Pitching the Value) was published February 2019 on the economic value of holiday parks and campsites in Scotland and confirmed that in 2018, this sector generated £772.3m in visitor expenditure (equivalent to £478.2m GVA) and supported 14,301 jobs.